Cock Of The Walk
Prints are Available
A girlfriend and I got together to paint one summer day. Deciding that everyone loves paintings of chickens, we decided to give it a go. This is a large painting and before I was even a third of the way into it, a visitor from out-of-town spied it and bought it as a gift for his parents. His mom is an avid collector of all things chicken and it seemed the perfect gift. Then of course I had to finish it. Thank goodness it turned out! It’s so easy to ruin a good painting with just one fatal stroke. Even better it made the long journey via Federal Express, in the dead wet of winter, unharmed and without getting lost in the holiday shuffle.
The purchaser of this painting has donated the rights to the piece for the benefit of my favorite ministry, Salt Mountain. Your purchase of these notecards, whether for yourself or the chicken lover in your life, will benefit the ministry and its service to Pastors and their families.
The original work now affectionately hangs in the kitchen of Larry and Judy Vance, residents of Elkhorn Wisconsin. With permission of the buyer Notecards are available for sale.
* all prices include waterproof, protective packaging, shipping and handling
5 x 7 Notecard w/envelope $4.50
5 x 7 Notecard Set (set of 4 cards & envelopes) 4/$13.50
100% of the proceeds received through your purchase go directly to my favorite non-profit ministry
Salt Mountain Pastoral Retreat